This book is one of the best Dummies titles ever, and is especially suited to Mac users who are getting started with Photoshop, and people who are using the application either occasionally or for specific small projects. If you fall into this category, then I strongly RECOMMEND Photoshop 5 for Macs for Dummies. Deke has done it again!
PalmPilot Organizer Resource Kit Book and CD Set
by Glenn Brown
IDG Books Worldwide
ISBN 0-7645-3219-7, 179 pages plus CD
$29.99 U.S., $42.99 Canada, £28.99 U.K.
The disk included in this boxed book and CD has over 300 shareware and freeware apps for the Palm platform, plus extra chapters not included in the printed text. I am impressed with the value for users who want to maximize the depth of knowledge and expandability of their PalmPilot or Palm-III. RECOMMENDED.
Harley Hahn Teaches the Internet
by Harley Hahn
Que Publications
ISBN 0-7897-16152-1, 422 pages
$19.99 U.S., $28.95 Canada, £18.49. U.K.
I am on record as an admirer of Harley Hahn, but he and I have locked horns on the decision to omit the Macintosh when writing this fine new book. If you can read between the lines, and ignore specific references to Windows procedures and file formats, then you will become much smarter on every aspect of the Net after digesting Harley Hahn Teaches the Internet. Net newbies and occasional users will benefit the most, and for them I give this non-Macintosh book a very sturdy RECOMMENDATION.
Sams Teach Yourself to Create Web Pages in 24 Hours
by Ned Snell
Sams Publishing
ISBN 0-672-31346-4, 428 pages plus CD
$24.99 U.S., $35.95 Canada, £23.50 U.K.
Using Netscape 4’s Composer as primary authoring application is not my preferred method. If this book is laying around, you may find it useful for some reference information, but I am not excited about it. I give this title a lukewarm recommendation, but only for people who are using Composer for web page creation.
The Non-Designer’s Scan and Print Book
by Sandee Cohen and Robin Williams
Peachpit Press
ISBN 0-201-35394-6, 263 pages
$24.99 U.S., $37.50 Canada
Here we have a short course in everything essential for producing the best possible finished printed product from your computer. I predict this title will become a required reading and reference in the digital design classroom; The Non-Designer’s Scan and Print Book even has checklists, quizzes, and projects. If you don’t know your linescreen resolutions from your color knockout, grab this book and memorize it. RECOMMENDED for newcomers to digital production.
Audio on the Web, The Official IUMA Guide
by Jeff Patterson and Ryan Melcher
Peachpit Press
ISBN 0-201-69613-4, 203 pages plus CD
$34.95 U.S., $48.95 Canada
Rumors about the versatility of MP3 kept me from delving into this title before now, which was ridiculous. For readers who want to know the WHY as well as the HOW about ALMOST everything you can do with sound on the web, consider studying this book thoroughly. For now, Audio on the Web is the loudest word on the subject.
Search Engines for the World Wide Web, Second Edition
by Alfred and Emily Glossbrenner <>
Peachpit Press
ISBN 0-201-35385-7, 263 pages
$17.99 U.S., $26.95 Canada
I fell off my chair when I opened this book and saw myself quoted at length in “Praise from readers and critics.” Nice touch! I raved about the first edition of this book, and now it is even better. Search Engines for the World Wide Web is a personal top-10 of books I have actually purchased to give as gifts to budding webheads. To re-quote myself: “This book is a winner for everyone who spends more than two minutes per month on the web, with practical information at an affordable price,” and I continue to HIGHLY RECOMMEND it.
The Little iMac Book
by Robin Williams
Peachpit Press
ISBN 0-201-35421-7, 191 pages
$17.99 U.S., $26.95 Canada
Being the first book published on the iMac, I expect The Little iMac Book is already a hot seller, but if you can wait a bit longer, better books on the mighty iMac may soon be available. Robin has pared down essential Macintosh knowledge into a very simple package. Total beginners will find the book useful at first, and then will quickly crave more knowledge. For this group only, a half-hearted recommendation.
•John Nemerovski• <>
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